The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), through Provías Nacional, is working on the preparation of the technical file that will guarantee the continuity and completion of the work for the rehabilitation and improvement of the Pallasca–Mollepata–Mollebamba–Santiago de Chuco highway. Junction Route 10, in the Mollepata–Pallasca section , a road that connects districts of the Sierra de La Libertad with the Áncash region.
This study is carried out within the framework of Law No. 31589, which guarantees the reactivation of paralyzed public works.
The project is part of the road corridor that connects the provinces of Pallasca, in the department of Áncash, and Santiago de Chuco in the department of La Libertad. Upon completion of the work, more than 50,209 inhabitants of the Ancash and La Libertad regions will benefit.
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The project contemplates the rehabilitation and improvement , at the level of hot asphalt, of a 26-kilometer -long section, with a 6-meter-wide double-lane road, which will additionally have pedestrian berms on both sides of the road. . The work will allow the life of the pavement to be around 20 years.
Likewise, the construction of four reinforced concrete bridges has been planned , which, in total, add up to 133.59 meters and will facilitate pedestrian and vehicular traffic, as well as the transfer of local production between these two regions, improving travel time and reducing costs. costs of freight and passenger transportation.
The objective is to offer adequate conditions of passability on the national highway with a modern and safe land infrastructure, which allows to boost the economy and the commercial exchange of agricultural and livestock production in these areas towards local and regional markets.
Uchumarca Highway – Cerro de Pasco
The MTC reported last week that it managed the transfer of S/ 90.9 million (approximately USD 24 million) in favor of the Regional Government of Pasco for the execution of the improvement of the Uchumarca-Cerro de Pasco departmental highway, which connects the districts of Yanahuanca, Chaupimarca and Simón Bolívar.
This project, which will be executed by GORE Pasco, involves the improvement of 56 km of the road using flexible pavement with asphalt, along with the construction of the Pomayarus, Andachaca, Uchumarca and Colonial bridges, with lengths ranging between 8 and 25 meters. Upon completion, it will benefit approximately 200,000 citizens of the provinces of Daniel Alcides Carrión and Pasco.