The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), through Provías Nacional, is working on the preparation of the technical file that will guarantee the continuity and completion of the work for the rehabilitation and improvement of the Pallasca–Mollepata–Mollebamba–Santiago de Chuco highway. Junction Route 10, in the Mollepata–Pallasca section , a road that connects districts of the Sierra de La Libertad with the Áncash region.
After presenting historical results, with net profits of 2.5 billion pesos (more than USD 630 million at the current exchange rate), Interconnection Electrica SAESP, ISA, announced that they see opportunities in the bidding for road projects of the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) .
The Secretary of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT), Jorge Nuño Lara, reported that at the end of the current administration, the total sum of road infrastructure projects will amount to 551 works with more than 8,100 km in length and an investment total of more than 228,000 million pesos (approximately USD 13,347 million).
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